
Welcome, and thank you for connecting with Disability Services at UMass!

*Please read the below message then click on the "Register" button above to begin registration.*

Note that our system does not allow you to save your progress in the form if you do not complete it all at once. Documentation can be uploaded to Clockwork separately from the registration form, but only after the registration form has been processed by our office.

All information shared with our office about your disability, diagnosis, and/or history of disability is kept confidential to Disability Services and will not appear on any academic records.

Our office utilizes a holistic, multi-sourced approach to consider all accommodation requests. We determine eligibility for accommodations and services on a case-by-case basis. The information you provide on the registration form is an essential part of reviewing accommodation requests, and we encourage you to complete this form as thoroughly as possible. You will be asked, among other things, to:

  • Identify your disability(-ies)
  • Provide a self-report of how your disability impacts you academically
  • Provide a self-report of how your disability impacts you in the residential setting
  • State what accommodations are you requesting*, as well as
    • whether you have used these accommodations before,
    • why you feel this accommodation is necessary and what barrier(s) it will address

* If unsure, please write "unsure," and explain the challenges or barriers that you are experiencing.


You will also be able to upload supporting documentation, such as your IEP from high school, a letter from your healthcare provider, a completed Disability Disclosure Form, etc..If you do not currently have a diagnosis but identify as a person with a disability, please still register with our office. Additionally, if you would like to pursue psychoeducational or neuropsychological testing, we offer a scholarship that could cover the cost of testing.

Once you complete this form, you should receive an automatic confirmation of submission. After we receive your registration form, we will invite you for an initial meeting with a member of our Access Coordinator (AC) team. During this meeting, the AC will ask you some questions to learn more about your experience as a student with a disability and to discuss your accommodation request(s). Please bear in mind that some requests will require supporting documentation, and it can take up to two to three weeks to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations.

If you encounter any errors with submitting the form, please email describing the issue experienced, what browser you were using, and if possible attach a screenshot of the error.